Changing convo docs – Brazil All Consensus statement Image Infographic Other Press release Report Social media Video Brazil Campaign Infographic Social Media ImageDownload this image to promote the Brazil Campaign Infographic in your network. Brazil Campaign Report Social Media ImageDownload this image to promote the Brazil Campaign Report across your network. Visão Geral da Campanha: Brasil ReportThe Brazil country-level overview of the 2018-2019 adult influenza campaign (Portugese) Campaign Overview: Brazil ReportThe Brazil country-level overview of the 2018-2019 adult influenza campaign. Campaign Overview: Brazil InfographicAn infographic based on the Campaign Overview: Brazil report Visão Geral da Campanha: Brasil InfographicAn infographic based on the Campaign Overview: Brazil report (in Portugese) Mensagem do Assunto: Um foco nas Campanhas de Vacinação contra a GripeRead the announcement of the summary report for Changing the Conversation on Adult Influenza Vaccination (in Portugese) Changing the Conversation: An Introduction (Spanish)Watch Ms Nathalia Wittingham, Conference and Events Manager at the IFA, introduce Changing the Conversation on Adult Influenza Vaccination.