Influenza Stakeholder Showcase
Good practices in influenza campaigns to improve rates of vaccination
Vaccination against influenza (the flu) is the most impactful public health intervention that provinces, civil society organizations (CSOs), and individuals can support in order to protect older adults and immunocompromised individuals from poor outcomes following influenza infection.
In May 2022, the IFA gathered 17 CSOs working for and with older adults in Canada together in a Stakeholder Showcase in order to understand good practices in influenza vaccination advocacy strategies; learn through the exchange of knowledge and assets; consolidate knowledge assets and campaign strategies; and identify gaps that consider how to improve influenza vaccination advocacy campaigns.
Together there was a commitment from participants to the Showcase to advocate for inclusive and accessible influenza vaccination roll-outs, prioritize vaccine promotion through multi-sector collaboration, and create a platform for knowledge exchange to encourage influenza vaccination and combat vaccine misinformation.
By partnering with CSOs, the IFA recognizes the importance of community-based health interventions and is proud to assist CSOs in their efforts to create a healthy and flu-free Canada.

Stakeholder showcase package
Together with 17 civil society organizations (CSOs) committed to influenza vaccination advocacy, the IFA learned about good practices in influenza vaccination advocacy strategies, consolidated knowledge assets and campaign strategies of participants, and identified gaps that consider how to improve influenza vaccination advocacy campaigns.
After thorough discussion and deliberation on the experiences of their members and constituents in Canada, consensus was reached around the immediate barriers and strategies to improve influenza advocacy campaigns. Barriers were a lack of consistent funding, gaps in the collection and distribution of standardized age-disaggregated data, and communication across sectors and disciplines.
Provincial governments have not prioritized publicly funding enhanced influenza vaccines for at-risk populations such as older adults, impacting the health and quality of life of many older Canadians. Funding for targeted messages is limited, often restricting CSOs’ ability to implement effective and successful campaigns.
In May 2022 the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) gathered 17 civil society organizations (CSOs) working for and with older adults in Canada together in a stakeholder showcase in order to understand good practices in influenza vaccination advocacy strategies; learn through the exchange of knowledge and assets; consolidate knowledge assets and campaign strategies; and identify gaps that consider how to improve influenza vaccination advocacy campaigns.
The IFA stakeholder showcase provided an opportunity to collectively learn from the challenges faced when implementing influenza advocacy campaigns and establishing recommendations toward influencing policy to improve seasonal influenza vaccine uptake amongst older adults. CSOs acknowledge the importance of life course immunization campaigns which hold high the pillars of influenza prevention, vaccination access, and outcome equity.
Older adults benefit the most from influenza vaccination as they are most at risk for poor outcomes following influenza infection. In May 2022, the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) gathered 17 civil society organizations in Canada to better understand good practices in influenza vaccination and its advocacy strategies.
Follow our chart to find out your options for influenza vaccination for the 2022-2023 flu season
Stakeholder showcase message bank
The IFA has created the following good practices message bank to help organizations for older adults share impactful information to their members.
Influenza is a serious threat to older people and those with underlying medical conditions. Civil society organizations play a critical role in improving influenza vaccination rates among at-risk groups, driving campaigns to be effective and influential. Learn more:
#FluFreeCanada #V4LFluFree
Looking for resources to promote vaccination? The IFA has created a Good Practices Message Bank to help organizations for older adults share impactful information to their members! Explore:
#FluFreeCanada #V4LFluFree
Influenza is a vaccine-preventable disease responsible for approximately 12,200 hospitalizations and 3,500 deaths in Canada each year, of which about sixty percent of hospitalizations occur in adults over the age of 65 years or older. Explore:
#FluFreeCanada #V4LFluFree

Pneumococcal disease is a leading cause of hospitalization and mortality in Canada. There is a high prevalence of this disease amongst populations that are most at-risk of serious complications from infection, such as older adults in long-term care settings.
The ‘Driving the agenda of pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination in at-risk populations in community and long-term care’ study was conducted to understand the status of existing public health policies and campaigns on pneumococcal disease in community and long-term care settings and its implications on the uptake of pneumococcal vaccination. The report highlights policy gaps for pneumococcal vaccination across long-term care settings in Canada and accordingly provides recommendations for policy improvements.
Pneumococcal disease is a leading cause of hospitalization and mortality in Canada. There is a high prevalence of this disease amongst populations that are most at-risk of serious complications from infection, such as older adults in long-term care settings. Check out the technical report to learn more.