Changing the Conversation on Adult Influenza Vaccination: France
An annual national awareness campaign led by public health authorities aims to raise awareness of the importance of influenza vaccination and dispel negative misconceptions around vaccines. The campaign is well planned and organized with clear objectives and guidelines for practice as well as sharable assets. The campaign messages are disseminated through the media and the internet including TV spots, videos, booklet and brochure, factsheet, poster, press releases, personalized invitation letters, a dedicated campaign website and social media.
In large part, the campaign in France is driving solely by the government. Although the commitment of health care providers in favor of improving awareness and coverage of influenza vaccination is highly valued, the potential influence of civil society (including patient organization, advocacy group and ageing association) is understated.
French translation of the report and infographic available below.
Campaign Overview: France Report
View the report providing an overview of
the adult influenza campaign in France.
France Resources